Friday, August 05, 2005

the ambivalent blogger

I admit I am still a little wary, yet fascinated, by this new medium that I am trying.

It all started because I know several co-workers, younger than I, who blog.
I read their blogs and then I became hooked.

Tthe concept is still utterly foreign to me, since I am on the older side of the 30-year milestone. I am reasonably connected, having personal and work emails, cellphones and I am comfortable with technology. But the idea of having an online diary, accessible by anyone with web access, is a little disconcerting.

(Technorati claims there is something in the order of 14.5 million blogs. Interesting.)

Yet there are advantages, since I see this potentially as a way to let those who remain rooted in the blue states, get a glimpse of my life.

I am wary of a few things, though, like having co-workers reading my blog. Hence, the use of aliases and the fact that I won't directly name anything that could be directly traceable to me.

Public, yet somewhat anonymous.

Anyway, so that is my intent with this blog, to keep in touch and keep posting. So if you are reading this on my invitation, welcome and I hope you enjoy the read.


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