Saturday, July 15, 2006


Life is so much better now that my son has ear tubes.

What amazes me is that I didn't realize all the problems that fluid in his middle ear had caused.

Much of his old moodiness has melted away. He converses more and seems happier.

He doesn't shout in normal conversations.

We don't have to shout our requests three or four times before he responds.

He responds quickly to music and is understanding the lyrics better.

He sings better, with better rhythm and pitch. (I had worried for a while whether he had not inherited the perfect pitch which seems to run in my family.

His word pronounciation has improved dramatically, as has his grammar. (I was very pleased with a breakthrough today - proper use of "is." Most toddlers skip that verb, especially in simple sentences like, "The sky is blue." Today, he explained to Lola and Lolo that, "The tow truck is brown.")

And believe it or not, he's eating better and is playing games better.

This all makes me wonder how long these ear problems had persisted.
And it makes me regret all the lost time, and lost learning opportunities.

Hopefully, he'll catch up. Quick.


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