Monday, November 05, 2007

More on observations

I finally figured out what is the specific trigger for my son's comments about seeing Christmas decorations at this point in the year.

There is a shopping plaza on the way between home and church where tinsel trees, candles, angels and a few other recognizable Christmas icons are hanging from the light posts, for a few weeks already.

I suppose I had resigned myself to the mass commercialization of Christmas - and its urge to start the holiday season earlier and earlier each year - that I really hadn't noticed the decorations.

But my sharp-eyed son was perplexed. Why was he seeing trees before he had a chance to go trick-or-treating? And doesn't Thanksgiving come before Christmas? He had to ask me all these questions.

All of these are, of course, perfectly logically questions, but I don't have any idea how I am supposed to explain the crass commercial impetus that makes shopping center managers put up Christmas decorations in mid October.

I must simply agree with my son when he says to me: "Mommy, they're just silly. It's not Christmas yet."


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