Sunday, February 12, 2006

A hop, skip and a crawl

That about describes my mobility for this weekend.
And that is probably what you'd expect for someone with a sprained ankle.

If you knew me when, you'd remember there was a time in my life when I was very prone to ankle sprains. At least one every couple of weeks. But it was always my right ankle.

This time it was my left ankle and the ankle faltered during circumstances that will sure to grow into legend with each telling.

It was Friday night, during my Tai Chi school's Chinese New Year's Party. There was much stress leading into the event. After all, it is not easy to perform in front of 200 people, including some hard-core martial artists, wearing a purple outfit I have not worn in 8 or 9 years.

But the performance went well and I was deep into my party mode, since the boys stayed home. There were a few glasses of wine, more classic rock than I'd care to admit, and a circle of friends who were apparently just as drunk and just as eager to let loose. I had been dancing for at least an hour, I think, when I stepped backwards into the foot of one of the Kung Fu students. My ankle wobbled like jello and suddenly I was feeling a sensation I had not experienced in years.

Since then, I have managed to navigate around the house on my knees, all the easier to level with my three-year-old. I only wish that I had gotten my old knee pads out, to save me from the rug burn and the bruises. I have also spent a lot of time balancing myself on my right foot, which should hopefully make for an outstanding crane stance at the appropriate time. (If you don't know what that last sentence means, think the Karate Kid and his martial arts pose in silhouette.)


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