Friday, June 02, 2006

Hard questions to answer

There’s only one topic that I dreaded as the mother of a boy.
That is, dealing with my little guy’s little guy.
I left the circumcision decision entirely with my husband and I figured that since Daddy is a biologist, and a skilled biology teacher, that he could handle the conversations necessary before puberty.

Still, I knew there would be a few awkward moments that I couldn’t avoid.

No one prepared me for the first.
He was just a few days old when I laid him on the changing table, opened his diaper to see the unmistakeable evidence that infant boys could have erections.
I was surprised, but I have to admit. It was the cutest one I had ever seen.

Then there was the phase of his own curious self-exploration (9 months old). Thankfully, that was short-lived.

But now he’s getting older and is starting to ask questions about everything.
I tell him some fact, and he asks, “Why?”
I explain it to him, prompting another “Why?”

This brings us to Awkward Mommy moment #3, which took place early during a recent morning.
Our morning schedule is tight so as soon as he woke up, I started changing him out of his pajamas and his little guy had perked right up.
“Mommy, it’s big.” He grabbed himself to investigate what was happening.
“Yes, sweetie. This happens to boys.”
“Because it just happens sometimes. Just don’t touch it.”
“Because if you keep touching it, it’ll stay big.”
“Because honey, that’s the way they work. Someday, Daddy will explain it to you.”

Sigh. Why me?


Blogger Marie said...

You captured it -- I haven't had those converstations yet (he's 9 months old) but I didn't know to expect his 'stuff' to work so early. I'm sure our day will come.
Great Blog!

8:40 PM  
Blogger butterfly cocoon said...

Oh god, I've so been there with my five year old. He even could pee in the potty once because 'it's up, mommy. Why?'
meanwhile I'm faking nonchalance and boredom with the whole thing...

I love your blog, by the way. Great writing and pictures!

10:46 PM  
Blogger BlueBabae said...

Next I'm dreading the day I find him in his bedroom playing doctor with a little girl from his kindergarten class (which actually happened to someone I know.)

4:39 PM  

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