Friday, August 04, 2006

Alter egos

My son has hit yet another predicted milestone: an intense fascination with superheroes. We haven't taken him to see the new Superman, or rented any other superhero video. His exposure at home has been limited to a couple of books about Superman, the Flash and Batman, which we got as hand-me-downs.

No matter. I guess the playground chatter about the superheroes has been enough. And he has witnessed the good guys vs. bad guys plot line in other movies.

But now I've got a boy running around the house, waving swords, shooting imaginary guns against unseen villains.

The whole family has been enlisted in the crime fighting effort.

"I'm Superman, you're the Flash and Daddy is Batman," he has said. And he has announced these new identities to his grandparents, just so he's being consistent with everyone.


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