Tuesday, January 01, 2008


I think I woke up about 5:30 a.m. this morning. I knew I had been awake for a while before I finally gave up on sleep and checked the clock. It was 5:50 a.m. by then.

You'd think that staying up all night at a New Year's Eve party that I would be sleeping in until 9 a.m. But the insomnia struck.

I tried to tire myself out by doing some situps and Kung Fu kicks and punches. Then I did a manicure and pedicure and tweezed my eyebrows. Then I thought, well, if I'm going to be awake, I might as well start my day.

Perhaps it is a sign of things to come in the New Year. Much to do and no time to waste.

So, I now hereby make the following resolutions for 2008:
1 - I must keep up the workout routine that I had neglected through December and regained some of the flab that I had so proudly lost
2 - I must read more books. It is something that I enjoy that I never make time to do. Perhaps the new book club that is starting in my office will help with that.
3 - I must not let the malaise and poor morale at the office affect the work that I know that I can do. Work that is still important and that people need to read about in my newspaper.
4 - I must get my house into serious shape. We need repairs and I need to really clean out some of these closets. This morning, I threw out one of those old shoe organizers. It was packed with shoes I don't wear and that, post-pregnancy, I can't even fit. Plus it was laced with mold. So, of course I threw it out, but then I realized, I must have too many shoes, as well.
5 - I must try to read this list periodically so that I can keep on my resolutions.
6 - I must keep better touch with my friends. We're all busy but there is no reason why I can't do my part to keep touch with them more.

Here's hoping that I can find enough time, and energy, to accomplish what I want for 2008.
And I hope you can too.


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