Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Summer blahs

It may be the heat of the Florida 100+-with-the-heat-index summer finally getting to me. Or this cold that has my family sniffling and sneezing. (A total annoyance because I saw my Precious Boy getting sick this weekend and I didn't take the precautions to prevent myself from getting sick. I hope I remember this day when flu season hits.)
Or maybe it's the fact that news really does slow down this summer and I don't have any good features brewing during this lull.

It's just one of those summer days that I would rather spend in a swimming pool, being lazy.

The Europeans really have it right. They simply take the whole month of August off.
I'd love to petition for the change, though I know I'd never see it here.

So now I have about 2 months of summer heat left before we get our first cool breeze. That's as long as we don't get a hurricane in the interim.


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