Tuesday, October 31, 2006

One of the gang

Halloween is not a big event in a neighborhood full of retirees.

After years of living in our neighborhood of grandparents, and grandchild-less octogenarians, I became accustomed to having 1 or 2 trick or treaters reaching my door and collecting as much candy as I could give without guilt.

Thankfully, the neighborhood is changing and we now claim 10 children on the block. This year, Halloween was different.

One of the moms hosted a night party for the kids and after some food at the house, our group headed out for Halloween.

Imagine a rush of 10 children, the oldest 8 and 9 years old, dashing to each house and screaming "Attack!" The flock gathers at the doorway, simultaneously shout "TRICK OR TREAT," and then press towards the door for their candy.

More than once, the unsuspecting homeowner was so overwhelmed that she was out of candy by the 5th child, and the rest waited patiently at the door, not wishing to forfeit their right to their chocolate.

My son, the baby of the group, was ecstatic for the chance to relish in Halloween. He did well for the first group of homes, but soon found his little legs could hardly keep up with the older children.

He persevered though he had to skip a few homes, but made it through the two block route around our neighborhood and got more candy than he could ever eat for weeks.



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