Wednesday, March 07, 2007


My son has taken an interest in the Presidents of the United States of America.

No, not that band, but the actual guys who served in the Oval Office.

His school did a lesson about the presidents last month and my boy has, of all things, a plastic placemat, displaying all the photos, names and basic facts about them.

One night, he studied the placemat, pointing to random photos to ask their names. My husband patiently answered.

The last face he pointed to is the person Garrison Keillor refers to as the Current Occupant. To which my husband named, "Bonehead." I shot my husband a look of horror but my Darling Husband - ever the tree-hugging, long-haired, vegetarian environmentalist - smiled to himself, enjoying this little joke.

A few days later, though, one of my boy's teachers relayed the day's funny school story. During a lesson about the presidents, my son proudly proclaimed that he remembered the name of the Current Occupant.

"Bonehead!" he volunteered.

The only thing I'm thankful for is that the teacher involved is liberal enough, and had a decent sense of humor about the little bit of misinformation.

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Blogger Steph said...

Great, great story!

We are blue state people in a red state county where "What church do you go to?" is the first question asked, even before my other favorite, "What does your husband do?"

Yesterday when we pulled into a gas station, my daughter (6 yrs old) cried, "Why are we getting gas?!?! What about the Global Warning!?" So now I know what she and her daddy have been talking about lately.

Love your blog!

8:11 PM  

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