Friday, February 02, 2007

Christmas memories

Before I forget, I wanted to recount what a wonderful Christmas season it has been.

My Precious Boy really savored every ritual and tradition, and remembered doing them last year! He helped to pick out the tree. He helped with the decorations. He studied each stocking and discussed the name for each. He wrote his name on the Christmas cards and put the return address labels and the stamps on them. He helped me with the present wrapping. He put the goodies in the stocking. And of course, he loved every minute of cookie baking.

I was amazed by his patience at standing an hour in line to see Santa at the mall. And he loved looking at all the presents and couldn't wait to open him. And he loved all his presents, played with them all.

But I think my favorite Christmas memory will be this tale told by my mother-in-law, when he visited their house one day:
He rearranged the creche, lined them all up like cars, and added Superman. When I mentioned that I didn't know that Superman was at the birth of Baby Jesus, he told me that he put him there to hurt the bad guys who had killed Jesus.

Amazing, isn't it?


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