Thursday, August 25, 2005

An American Idol?

I think I'm going to have to nickname my son "Karaoke Boy."

He has never watched American Idol. He has never seen karaoke, live or on TV.
Yet one of his favorite little games is to pick up something, anything, treat it as a mike, and start wailing away.
He'll pick up a wooden piece of his truck, hold it near his mouth, and sway and make up his own song, his own words, making up a tune.
Then he'll enlist me for a duet, and give me a "mike". Or he'll ask me to play air violin or air cello while he sings.
And then we'll rush to the piano, where he'll sit on the bench and start tickling the ivories, all the while singing and swaying. He'll even close his eyes for added effect.

Now, mind you, I have been trying hard to introduce my son to music.
I played loads of CDs, sang nursery songs and played piano for him while he was in utero.
I have tried to play piano for him when we have time, or when the desire hits.
We even took him to a special classical music performance, geared for children, in which they introduced the instruments of a string quartet, then told a story with music.

But I have NO IDEA where he is getting this idea for karaoke, or his Ray Charles imitation.
It is moments like these when I start to believe in reincarnation and I think that in a prior life, my son was a jazz musician.

(And I forgot to mention that he has a clear preference for jazz music and has told me to turn off rock music and put on jazz instead. Since I play jazz in my car as we commute to his preschool, he considers jazz "Mommy music." Then one day we were listening to one of My Darling Redhead's rock CDs, and my little boy didn't like it. "Mommy, put on Mommy music," he asked, plaintively.)


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