Sunday, June 18, 2006

Out of the mouths of little boys

One of the odd reminders of my breastfeeding days is that my son has still been referring to my chest as his "nursies."

It had been endearing for a while, but now that he's approaching 4 years of age, I'm trying to get him to let go of that old term.

I tried to explain they're not nursies anymore because I don't have a baby anymore. So I told him they were boobies.

Mind you, we've really only had this conversation once, when he accidentally saw me as I stepped out of the shower. (I firmly believe that the boy is old enough not to be seeing me naked on a regular basis).

But everything has a way of coming back to you.

My family and one of my son's favorite playmates were in the car, ready to go to a movie. We were watching the other boy, while his parents enjoyed an afternoon date.

I don't know how it came up, but my son explained to the other boy, "My mommy has boobies!" (screaming it with a big laugh).

My husband was too horrified to notice that I was trying to stifle a laugh.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

heehee. aren't kids fun!

1:01 PM  

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