Tuesday, February 12, 2008


From today's morning run, I can already gauge improvements.
I'm starting to build up my aerobic endurance.
I'm struggling less, and covering the distance better.
My muscles and joints are aching less.
And I ran further than I had during my last two runs.

Now if I could actually get to the point when I could run a 5K.

I knew that running a 5K in a month would be ambitious. It's still not entirely imposssible. But I don't want to kill myself in the process.

I think I'd be satisfied if I could manage about 2/3rds of the race at a running pace. Perhaps that is a more reasonable goal.

Still, I'm out running and enjoying the new challenge. I've always needed goals like this and I suppose I'm not happy unless I feel like I'm accomplishing something.
And managing most of a 5K from a non-runner, with a history of flat feet and weak ankles, would be a decent accomplishment.


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