If I had an entire weekend to myself ...
I would remember what it was like to be a single woman when I could:
- Sleep in late. Really late
- Do a vigorous martial arts workout
- Lunch and gossip with the girls
- See an art flick or rent the latest in world cinema
- Take a long bubble bath and do all my favorite primping things
- Whip up some comfort food (I'm thinking roasted chicken, rice and a simple salad)
- Read the Sunday New York Times from end to end
And I would never keep close track of the clock.
In keeping up a crazy schedule of mothering and working and housework, I've given up most of these things, though I still reach for a little bit of "me time" each week.
If I'm lucky, I'll at least do the bubble bath and the aerobic workout - while I've got the laundry and the dishwasher running at full tilt.
Moral of the story: You can have it all if you multi-task.