Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Sweetness and life

There are a few moments that make all the hassles and trials of motherhood all worthwhile.

Beware. I am going to now begin gushing.

My boy had just woken up, but was curled up on the living room sofa, missing sleep. He saw me walk in.

"You're still my best friend, Mommy."

My face lit up and I walked towards him. "Yes, baby, and you're my best friend. Can I have my hug?"

"Sure" And then I get the tightest squeeze his little muscles can give me.

"And I'll give you a kiss." And there it is, a wonderful smooch on my cheek.

I kiss and hug him back and I hold on, trying to memorize this exact feeling of how small his body is, how soft and squishy his cheek feels against mine.

I only hope I can remember this about 12 years from now when, having diagnosed symptoms of my own stubbornness in his character, I'm going to have to give him some tough love.

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Catholic school did pay off

Otherwise, how could I explain this miracle?

You know the Bible 95%!

Wow! You are awesome! You are a true Biblical scholar, not just a hearer but a personal reader! The books, the characters, the events, the verses - you know it all! You are fantastic!

Ultimate Bible Quiz
Create MySpace Quizzes

By the way, I must thank my friend, the fallen Catholic turned atheist, for this link.


Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Back tracking

Call it a belated New Year's resolution, but I hope to return to regular blogging.
I may start with retracing a few memorable moments from over the holidays.
We'll see how I do.

Feeling uninvited

My husband and I celebrated our sixth wedding anniversary in our own quiet homely way. An exchange of presents. Gathering with close family. And a nice dinner out.

It seems hard to believe that I've been married for six years. It's gone by quickly.

The odd experience of the day was how my son reacted to our wedding anniversary, or more specifically, to our wedding album. My mother-in-law requested the album to reminisce about our glorious day under the oak.

He intently studied each photo for familiar faces - Mommy, Daddy, his grandparents, his aunts, his cousins, our close friends. But he gradually got upset when he didn't see his own face.

"Where am I" said the pouty little face. "Why didn't I come?"

It was hard to explain that he arrived as a result of our marriage. We tried but it didn't register with the 4 year old, who ended up melting in my arms, a puddle of tears.

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