Wednesday, September 26, 2007


I pulled myself out of my personal funk by catching up with Paul Krugman's new blog and the blogs on the Huffington Post as well as re-learning the names of international heads of state. (I frightened myself today when I had a brain lock and couldn't remember Britain's Prime Minister's last name, though I did remember his first name is Gordon, and I couldn't remember the name of the Iraqi Prime Minister.)

I am also pondering the next great purchase for a Mommy like me.

But now I can't sit in the office and concentrate on the work they expect me to do in there, while I am surrounded by a decade of memories which I must pack away by the end of the year.

And the pontifications of these city election candidates seems so pointless that I can't discipline myself to just write the story and get it over with so that I can move on to bigger and better things.

One ironic twist: the phone extension I'm taking over at the main county bureau is the same one that I had when I first started at the paper.

Eleven years later, I go back to the beginning.


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