So I've just been asked this question:
“What does being a Crazy Hip Blog Mama mean to you?"
Some of my readers may not understand this question, but it's part of a membership in a unique club with which I find myself.
To which I answer this way:
In life, you need to redefine yourself when the time comes to accept change. The most dramatic redefinition of my life happened more than three years ago when a new life came from me and from his first breath, would always depend on me. So I am a mama.
But with the change, part of me remained the same intelligent, independent minded, curious, yearning-to-learn woman I had been and this is the part of me that is still hip.
What is crazy is that these two essential parts of myself can find balance and harmony in my hectic existence.
So being a crazy hip blog mama means I am all of these things and that I have a blog now to express my different phases, come as they may. And it also means that I have a group of kindred spirits who must do the same.
If that sounds particularly transcendent, you'll excuse me but I just finished watching Matrix:Revolutions and I think I am channeling The Oracle. But I bet she'd be a crazy hip blog mama, too.